BIG Data HADOOP 2.X Developer Training – Self Learning Videos

We are proudly introducing BIG Data Hadoop 2.X Developer Training – Self Learning videos in DBTECHNOSOLUTIONS. It is a complete guide to learn and master the popular Big Data Technologies in Map Reduce, PIG, HIVE, HBASE, SQOOP and FLUME. It is designed to provide knowledge and skills to become a successful Hadoop Developer or Analyst. In-depth knowledge of core concepts will be covered in the course along with implementation on varied industry use-cases.



Course Modules are

  • Module - 1 - BIG Data - HADOOP Introduction
  • Module - 2 - Map Reduce and Advance Map Reduce
  • Module - 3 - PIG and HIVE
  • Module - 4 - Advance HIVE and HBASE
  • Module - 5 - SQOOP, FLUME, APACHE OOZIE, HCATALOG and Hadoop Project Discussion

Course Content includes documents and Videos for each module. And each module document includes supporting materials, assignment, Quiz and installation steps for setup guide.

Price: 10,000 INR only (Ten Thousands only)

How it works

Step: 1

Go through the Course Content at

Go through the sample videos at

Step: 2

In case of any further clarifications, kindly contact below references.

Email ID:

Phone: +91-9886318235

Step: 3

If you are interested to purchase our self-learning videos, go to our website at

And click Enroll link as below.


If you are the new user, kindly sign-up with your details. Otherwise login with your credentials.


And pay amount through CC-Avenue’s secure payment gateway.


Once the payment is done from your end, ADMIN will get notified and he will assign the required course content to your account.

Once the course content is assigned by admin, you will be notified by Admin through E-Mail\Phone. Then connect to and click SIGN IN as below.


You will see that course content is assigned to your account for both documents and Videos. Enjoy learning.


While learning, if you come across any clarifications, please contact below references. Based on the necessity, we may arrange the LIVE session with you.

Email ID:

Phone: +91-9886318235

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